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ICTHIODose Calculator

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This program allows you to calculate the correct amount of ICTHIOVAC® vaccine to be used on fish.

Please enter the following information:

Species to be treated
Select the species to be treated {{selectTitle.issue}}
  • Sea Bass
  • Sea Bream
  • Trout
  • Turbot
Vaccine to be used
Select the vaccine to be used
Administration Route
{{selectTitle.route}} Select the administration route
  • Injection
  • Immersion
Number of fish to be treated:
Invalid input, please fill in an appropriate value
Fish average size (g): Please fill-in absolute numbers (no decimals).
Invalid input, please fill in an appropriate value


Liters of vaccine to be used: {{total}} liters

Please take the following recommendations into consideration:

Vaccination by immersion:

  • Dip bath: Prepare a solution 1:10 by diluting the vaccine in sea water (1 litre of vaccine plus 9 litres of water) for 60 seconds. Do not exceed, 0.5 kg of fish per litre of solution. Discard the solution after 20 immersions. Dissolved oxygen must be monitored.
  • Long bath: Prepare a solution 1:500 by diluting the vaccine in sea water (1 litre of vaccine plus 499 litres of water) for 60 minutes.

Intraperitoneal injection:

  • For i.p. vaccination a minimum size of 15 g fish is required.