Uddercost calculator

Uddercost calculator

  • {{ $index + 1 }} {{ step }}
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The fields marked in red are MANDATORY. You must enter these values in order to continue

General information

Select your currency

This field cannot be empty

Average number of multiparous cows

This field cannot be empty

Average number of primiparous cows

This field cannot be empty

Average number of dry cows

This field cannot be empty

Average Liters of milk per cow per day

This field cannot be empty

Average bulk tank SCC (x1000)

This field cannot be empty

Milk price (per liter)

This field cannot be empty

Difference between milk price at present SCC and desired level (per liter)

This field cannot be empty

The fields marked in red are MANDATORY. You must enter these values in order to continue

Clinical mastitis

Average monthly number of clinical mastitis cases

This field cannot be empty


0% 100%
Please adjust this value so that the total amount is 100%

Please adjust this value so that the total amount is 100% 


0% 100%
Please adjust this value so that the total amount is 100%

Please adjust this value so that the total amount is 100% 


0% 100%
Please adjust this value so that the total amount is 100%

Please adjust this value so that the total amount is 100% 

Total amount: {{data.mastitisRatio.mild + data.mastitisRatio.moderate + data.mastitisRatio.severe}}%

Clinical mastitis average costs (direct and indirect)


This field cannot be empty


This field cannot be empty


This field cannot be empty

Number of cows lost due to mastitis per year (type 0 if you don't want this value to be considered)

This field cannot be empty

Cost of replacement of 1 cow (type 0 if you don't want this value to be considered)

This field cannot be empty


Mastitis losses & Preventions investments results

Subclinical mastitis losses

Extra clinical mastitis costs (baseline 24% CM per year)

Total mastitis losses

Investment on vaccination protocol VS to total mastitis costs

Necessary improvements for reaching break-even, if only one of the improvements is achieved

  • Less clinical mastitis cases per year {{totals.lessClinical}}
  • Less clinical mastitis cases per year {{totals.lessClinical}}
  • Number of cases where a reduction of severity in 1 grade is needed (Ex: from severe to moderate or from moderate to mild) {{totals.severityCasesGrade}}
  • SCC for break-even {{totals.sccBreakAlone}}

LABORATORIOS HIPRA, S.A. will maintain the confidentiality of all data facilitated by the users and will not share, publish or use said data for any purpose other than the operability of the Uddercost tool.

LABORATORIOS HIPRA, S.A. does not guarantee the accuracy of the results calculated by Uddercost. The users of this tool are responsible at all times for the data facilitated as well as the decisions made as a consequence of the results provided by Uddercost.

LABORATORIOS HIPRA, S.A. and its affiliates, employees and collaborators shall not be responsible under any circumstances for the possible damage, of any nature, that may derive from the use of or access to the Uddercost tool.

Please note that this calculation is just an approximation. For more detailed calculation, please contact your HIPRA representative.

Vet contact details

Name: {{ contactInfo.vet.name }}
Surname: {{ contactInfo.vet.surname }}
Contact email: {{ contactInfo.vet.email }}
Phone: {{ contactInfo.vet.phone }}

Farmer contact details

Name: {{ contactInfo.farmer.name }}
Surname: {{ contactInfo.farmer.surname }}
Contact email: {{ contactInfo.farmer.email }}
Phone: {{ contactInfo.farmer.phone }}

Vet contact details

Fill the form to display your contact info in the PDF.



Contact email


Farmer contact details



Contact email


Prevention investment

STARTVAC® (Polyvalent inactivated vaccine against bovine mastitis, in injectable emulsion)

Number of applications per year

Contact your HIPRA representative in case you don't know this value. You can also leave it empty and continue with your calculation.

Investment per dose

Contact your HIPRA representative in case you don't know this value. You can also leave it empty and continue with your calculation.


UBAC® (Subunit vaccine against mastitis caused by Streptococcus uberis, in injectable emulsion)

Number of applications per year

Contact your HIPRA representative in case you don't know this value. You can also leave it empty and continue with your calculation.

Investment per dose

Contact your HIPRA representative in case you don't know this value. You can also leave it empty and continue with your calculation.


Other prevention costs

Other prevention costs

You can also leave this value empty and continue with your calculation.


Contact your HIPRA representative